American Protégé Competitions: Are They Worth It?

For young musicians aspiring to reach their full potential, participating in music competitions is a pivotal step in building a successful career and gaining admission to prestigious music schools. Among the myriad of competitions available, American Protégé stands out as a popular choice. However, in this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the details of American Protégé competitions, compare them with Radda Rise competitions, and show you why Radda Rise could be the top pick for up-and-coming musicians.

How to Craft a Music Resume and CV: Complete Guide with Free Template

How to Craft a Music Resume and CV: Complete Guide with Free Template

In the challenging and competitive world of music, having a well-crafted resume or CV is as crucial as having a finely tuned instrument. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with insightful knowledge and practical tools to create a compelling document that strikes the right chord with recruiters and decision-makers in the music industry. Plus we’ve created a free editable template to get you started!

College Music Auditions: Navigating the Application and Audition Process

Choosing the perfect music program or conservatory is a monumental decision that can shape your future in the world of music. These institutions offer top-notch education, invaluable connections, and a pathway to success in your musical career. However, it all starts with acing the application and audition process. Although applying and auditioning may be daunting, we'll be your compass in this blog post, guiding you through this exciting journey. Get ready to unlock valuable insights and tips to skyrocket your chances of success!

Insider Secrets to Securing University Teaching Positions in Music

Are you an aspiring music educator looking to excel in your career? Landing a university teaching position in the competitive world of music requires more than just degrees. In this enlightening video, renowned violinist Danielle Belen, violin professor at the University of Michigan and a juror of the esteemed Radda Rise International String Competition, shares her invaluable insights on how to pursue and succeed in university teaching roles.

Unleash Your Musical Potential: Experience the Radda Rise International String Competition & Achievement Festival

Welcome to the world of Radda, where the power of music connects individuals from across the globe. In this blog post, we invite you to explore the transformative opportunities offered by our platform, as we delve into the realm of online music competitions and the prestigious Radda Rise International String Competition & Achievement Festival. Discover how musicians of all ages can elevate their skills, showcase their talent, and forge lasting connections in the world of music.

Interview with Pianist Dr. Éva Polgár

In this interview, Pianist Éva Polgár and Michelle Schodowski discuss Éva's experiences as a concert pianist, educator, and competition adjudicator/director. She's currently on the piano faculty at Azusa Pacific University and is co-director of the Los Angeles International Liszt Competition.

Interview with Pianist Avguste Antonov

In this interview, Pianist Avguste Antonov and Michelle talk about many aspects of his musical career, what role competitions have in piano pedagogy, how to build a successful career in music, how COVID-19 is impacting the music industry, and much more. We hope you enjoy and be sure to stick around until the end for details about the First Radda Rise International Piano Competition!

What is it like to work with The Chainsmokers?

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work with an award-winning EDM-pop duo like The Chainsmokers? Radda Reviewer Allie Pritchard worked with the group on several of their live performance music videos last year. Here’s what she has to say about her experience as well as recordings of the songs she worked on!