Marissa Anthony


Marissa Anthony

from $10.00

Instrument: Trumpet

Genres: Classical

Language: English

Education: Associates in Music Performance and Education from South Plains College

$10 per written review

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Ms. Marissa Anthony has always been captivated by the arts. Her experience has been paved by a true passion for music and progress, in correspondence to a substantial work ethic. Marissa found that having an artistic outlet was the perfect way to express her thoughts, creativity, and imagination. She quickly fell in love with performing and teaching and has not looked back since. Marissa has performed with various all-state and all-region bands, jazz bands, symphonic bands, orchestras, brass ensembles, all in addition to her solo works. Ms. Anthony has an associate's degree in Music Performance and Education from South Plains College in Levelland, Texas. Marissa’s philosophies originate from strategies popularized by Vincent Cichowicz of Northwestern University and established in Ms. Anthony by her teacher and mentor Dr. Gary Hudson of South Plains College. Marissa studied under Dr. Hudson, a University of Houston and Texas Tech alumni, for a total of four years, and focuses much of her time on the fundamental aspects of music, as was instilled in her by her mentor. Ms. Anthony is furthering her undergraduate career at Sam Houston State University in Music Education in Huntsville, Texas to study trumpet with Mr. Randy Adams. In addition to her performance career, Marissa holds a private trumpet lessons studio available to students of all ages where every student can feel comfortable to learn in a positive, uplifting environment while receiving encouraging constructive criticism to help them become the best musician, student, and person they can be.