Daniel Sabzghabaei

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Daniel Sabz Profile Photo.jpg

Daniel Sabzghabaei

from $40.00

Discipline: Composition

Genres: Classical, Experimental, Choral, Operatic, Vocal, Orchestral, Chamber, Solo, Theater, Musical Theater, Video Game, Incidental, Avant-Garde

Language: English

Education: Master of Music in Composition from Peabody Conservatory, Bachelor of Music in Composition from University of North Texas

Currently pursuing Doctor of Music in Composition at Cornell University

$40 per written review

$45 per audio review

$50 per video review

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Daniel Reza Sabzghabaei (دانیال رضا سبزقبایی) (ASCAP) is a composer and vocalist whose work aims to emphasize the malleability of time and how we experience it, not just in the concert hall but in everyday life as well. His music has been performed and commissioned by organizations including: Hong Kong’s Intimacy of Creativity Festival, the International Contemporary Ensemble, Beth Morrison Projects, [Switch~ Ensemble], the New York Festival of Song, Pro Coro Canada, TAK Ensemble, Contemporaneous, Utah’s Moab Music Festival, Minnesota’s VocalEssence, Dallas’ Voices of Change, Seattle’s The Esoterics, the Busan Choral Festival, Korea’s Ansan City Choir, Romania’s ICon Arts Festival, Festivalul Internațional Craiova Muzicală, and Ukraine’s Kharkov Academic Youth Orchestra to name a few. As of late, Daniel has been studying and taking increasing inspiration from Persian melodic and rhythmic systems, folk music, art, and poetry. Daniel holds degrees from the Peabody Conservatory and the University of North Texas, and is currently a doctoral student and Sage Fellow at Cornell University.